Our Services.
East Hull Foodbank
Hull Foodbank East is based here at The Well and runs every Tuesday and Wednesday 11:30am-2pm. Some of us are finding it hard to make ends meet right now. If you or your family are finding it difficult to put food on the table pop in and see our friendly and discreet team.
We often run courses during the week for free at The Well. We cater for all kinds of needs and interests. Courses that have run in the past have been Cooking on a Budget, Life Skills, Job Club, Wellbeing Course, Clothing Repair Cafe, Pottery Painting and Creative skills and lots more.
The best way to know find out what courses we are running at the moment is to sign up below or to pop in and see us.
Community Fridge
We’ve teamed up with EMS who are a multi award winning charity working with the community to alleviate food and fuel poverty.
EMS make a range of nutritious ready meals using the Freedom Centre kitchen and delivering them to Community Fridges located around Hull, including ours here at The Well.
The meals include: Sausage casserole, chicken biryani, cottage pie, lasagne, Thai green curry, pasta bolognaise and many more. The meals will feed up to a family of four and cost £3 each.